About KV

Getting Around KV

Travel Tips

Travel Tips



Temperatures in Klang Valley, typically fall between 29 degrees to 35 degrees during the day and 26 degrees to 29 degrees at night. The climate in Klang Valley is quite humid all year-round. Anyone travelling to this region must always be ready for rains at any time of the year. Regardless, the best time to visit Klang Valley is from May-July or December-February.

The weather can be pretty hot between March - April. Due to the forest fires from Sumatera which typically happens between June - August, the dust particles may cast a haze over Klang Valley thus making it not an ideal time to visit the city.

Resource Link:

Time Zone

The Malaysian time zone is 8 hours ahead of GMT (+8GMT).

Resource Link:

Hotel Transportation



Malaysia’s currency unit is divided into two. The term Ringgit Malaysia (RM) is used to refer to paper money. The denominations are RM1, RM5, RM10, RM 20, RM 50 and RM100. Whereas the coins are referred to as sen (cents). The denominations are 5 sen, 10 sen, 20 sen and 50 sen.

Samples of Ringgit Malaysia Notes:
1. Current Version of Notes and Coins
https://www.bnm.gov.my/ (Sample of Notes)
https://www.bnm.gov.my/ (Sample of Coins)
2. Old Version of Notes and Coins

Resource Link of Currency Rate:

Visa and Passport

Passports must be valid for at least 6 months at the time of entry. Visa requirements vary from time to time, so it is best to check with the Malaysian embassy or consulate or the Immigration Department website.

Resource Link:

Visa and Passport



Be sure to have your hotel bookings printed. Klang Valley is crowded with many hotels, therefore, booking a stay in Klang Valley won’t be difficult. But if you are travelling during peak periods you may want to book in advance to avoid disappointments. When booking a stay, be sure to check how far is it from the places you want to visit. Check if your hotel provides free WiFi. Most hotels provide free WiFi for their guests. But in case they don’t you will need to purchase a pre-paid phone line with a data plan. You can choose from a myriad of budget to 5-star in Klang Valley.


If you do not plan to switch on your roaming while you are travelling to Klang Valley, fret not as most hotels give you access to their wifi. Whilst most cafés in Klang Valley provides free Wifi with the purchase of a drink or food. It is also advisable to buy a pre-paid sim card with a data plan to make things easier when you are on the go.




The heat and humidity in Klang Valley can be intense. Therefore, be sure to pack light and breathable clothes that will help you stay cool. Cotton is a good choice, as it is designed to absorb moisture. If your hotel comes with a swimming pool, don’t forget to pack your swimsuit.


Make sure to pack in your sunscreen, especially if you don’t want to be sunburnt. The sun can be scorching hot at times.

Hotel Transportation



Since the rainy season in Klang Valley can be pretty unpredictable, don’t forget to pack your raincoat or a travel-sized umbrella. You don’t want to be soaked to your skin if it rains suddenly.


DO NOT forget to pack your prescription tablets and any other medicines that you think you might need in case you fall sick.

Hotel Transportation

Dialing Prefixes

Dialing Prefixes

Each city has its unique area code for landlines. 03 is KL’s area code followed by the eight-digit number when you call from your mobile phone. Example: 03-12345678 Whereas, every call to a mobile phone requires a three-digit prefix (Maxis = 012, Celcom = 019, DiGi = 016), followed by the seven-digit subscriber number. Example: 012-123 4567

Three Main Phone Providers:
1. Maxis / Hotlink
2. Celcom
3. Digi

Other Phone Providers:
1. U Mobile
2. Tune Talk
3. Unifi
4. Yes
5. redONE
6. MCalls
7. Yoodo
8. XOX

Emergency Number

Police/Ambulance: 999 (112 from a mobile phone)
Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba): 994 (112 from a mobile phone)
Civil Defence Tel: 991
Tourist Police Hotline Tel: 03-2149 6590

Resource Link:

Emergency Number